Kigs Framework  Doc version 0.8
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MPEG4BufferStream Class Referenceabstract

#include <MPEG4BufferStreamFFMPEG.h>

Inheritance diagram for MPEG4BufferStream:
FrameBufferStream CoreModifiable GenericRefCountedBaseClass

Public Member Functions

 MPEG4BufferStream (const kstl::string &name, DECLARE_CLASS_NAME_TREE_ARG)
- Public Member Functions inherited from FrameBufferStream
bool addItem (const CMSP &item, ItemPosition pos=Last) override
 add item, if item is a rendering screen, set the given item as the used rendering screen (to be done before init)
bool removeItem (const CMSP &item) override
 remove item, if item is a rendering screen, set rendering screen pointer to 0
- Public Member Functions inherited from CoreModifiable
void Init ()
 Modifiable managmenent.
void EmptyItemList ()
 remove all items (sons)
CMSP GetInstanceByPath (const std::string &path)
 return the instance corresponding to the given path in sons tree
std::string GetRuntimeID () const
CoreModifiableAttributegetAttribute (KigsID labelid) const
 Attribute management.
u32 getNbArrayElements (KigsID attributeLabel) const
 return element count for an array type attribute
template<typename attribute_type , typename value_type >
attribute_type * AddDynamicAttribute (KigsID ID, const value_type &value)
 Dynamic attribute management.
const kigs::unordered_map< KigsID, ModifiableMethodStruct > * GetMethods ()
 Method management.
bool aggregateWith (CMSP &item, ItemPosition pos=Last)
 Aggregate management.
void flagAsNotificationCenterRegistered ()
void InitParametersFromList (const std::vector< CoreModifiableAttribute * > *params)
 Utility. More...
virtual void UninitModifiable ()
 called when InitModifiable has failled : reset read/write flag on all init params More...
virtual void ProtectedDestroy ()
 Destroy method decrement refcounter and delete instance if no more used. More...
virtual void addUser (CoreModifiable *user)
 add the given parent to list
virtual void removeUser (CoreModifiable *user)
 remove user (parent)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CoreModifiable
static std::vector< CMSP > GetRootInstances (const KigsID &cid, bool exactTypeOnly=false)
 static method : return the set of all root instances of the given type
static void Append (std::string &XMLString, const std::list< CoreModifiable * > &toexport, bool recursive, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr)
 static method to export the several CoreModifiable to an XML file. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static void Export (const std::string &filename, CoreModifiable *toexport, bool recursive=false, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr)
 static method to export the given CoreModifiable to an XML file. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static XMLNodeExportToXMLNode (CoreModifiable *toexport, XML *owner_xml_file, bool recursive, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr)
 static method to export the given CoreModifiable to an XML Node. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static std::string ExportToXMLString (CoreModifiable *toexport, bool recursive, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr)
 static method to export the given CoreModifiable to an XML file. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static void Export (std::string &XMLString, const std::list< CoreModifiable * > &toexport, bool recursive, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr)
 static method to export the several CoreModifiable to an XML file. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static CMSP Import (const std::string &filename, bool noInit=false, bool keepImportFileName=false, ImportState *state=nullptr, const std::string &override_name="")
 return an new CoreModifiable instance using the description found in XML file given by name
static CMSP GetInstanceByGlobalPath (const std::string &path)
 static method : return the instance corresponding to the given path, and given search start
static void debugPrintfFullTree (int maxindent=3)
 Editor. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FrameBufferStream
void InitModifiable () override
 default modifiable init : set all initparams to readonly and set initflag to true More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CoreModifiable
void UpdateAggregates (const Timer &timer, void *addParam)
void Export (std::vector< CoreModifiable * > &savedList, XMLNode *currentNode, bool recursive, ExportSettings *settings)
 Export. More...
CoreModifiableAttributeGenericCreateDynamicAttribute (CoreModifiable::ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, KigsID ID)
 create and add dynamic attribute except arrays
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from CoreModifiable
template<typename StringType >
static CMSP Import (XMLNodeTemplate< StringType > *currentNode, CoreModifiable *currentModifiable, ImportState &importState)
 recusrive method to add sons and attributes found in the XML file

Detailed Description

Base class for MP4 video stream playing.

manage a mp4 video stream

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: