Kigs Framework  Doc version 0.8
Open source multi purpose Rapid Application Development framework
2D layers module

2DLayers Classes More...


class  Abstract2DLayer
 Base class for 2D Layers. More...
class  AlphaMask
 Picture mask for touch management. More...
class  Base2DLayer
 Obsolete 2D Layer. More...
class  BaseUI2DLayer
 UI rendering support. More...
class  Module2DLayers
 Generic Module for 2D drawing ( IHM, sprites...) More...
class  MouseVelocityComputer
 Keep track of past mouse mouvement to compute a velocity. More...
class  MultiTouchPinch
 Manage pinch with two touches. More...
class  Node2D
 A Node2D is the base class for all objects to be added to a 2DLayer. More...
class  PassiveColoredMask
 Obsolete ? More...
class  UI3DLinkedItem
 adjust position of the UIItem to match a 3D position in a Scene3D More...
class  UIBoxLayout
 Adjust the position of all children according to the box layout. More...
class  UIButton
 Simple Button class. More...
class  UIButtonImage
 Button with three textures ( Up, Down , Over ) More...
class  UIButtonText
 Three state button with different texts. More...
class  UIControlBoxForScrollViewUI
 ??? More...
class  UICursor
 ??? More...
class  UICustomDraw
 Draw non UI objects. More...
class  UICustomInputItem
 ??? More...
class  UIDrawableItem
 UIItem to be drawn. More...
class  FontMapManager
 Manage font textures. More...
class  UIDynamicText
 Manage UI Texts with light html like tags. More...
class  UIFlowLayout
 Adjust the position of all children according to a flow layout algorithm. More...
class  UIGridLayout
 Adjust the position of all children according to a grid layout algorithm. More...
class  UIGroupButton
 Manage buttons in a group. More...
class  UIImage
 Just display an image ( texture ) with different modes. More...
class  UIImageHighlight
 ??? More...
class  UIItem
 Parent class for all UI types ( buttons, texts...) More...
class  UILayout
 Adjust the position of all children according to a layout algorithm. More...
class  UINode3DLayer
class  UIPopUp
 This is the upgrador class for a pop-up. More...
class  UIRatioKeeper
 Create a zone in screen where design size ratio is kept. More...
class  UIRenderingScreen
 A Textured UI where the texture display a Rendering Screen. More...
class  UIRoundHUD
 Display a circular menu. More...
class  UIScrollable
 Base class for scrollable UI. More...
class  UIScrollingMultilineText
 ?? Obsolete ?? More...
class  UIScrollingText
 ?? Obsolete ?? More...
class  UIScrollView
 ?? Obsolete ?? More...
class  UIShapeDelegate
 draw parent ui as a shape More...
class  UIShapeDisc
 draw parent ui as a disc More...
class  UIShapeRectangle
 draw parent ui as quad More...
class  UISlider
 Manage a slider. More...
class  UISliderFill
 TODO. Manage a slider. More...
class  UISlidersGroup
 TODO. Manage a slider. More...
class  UISprite
 Manage sprite. Obsolete ? More...
class  UIStream
 Display a video. More...
class  UIText
 Display a text. More...
class  UITextArea
 Text input UI item. More...
class  UITextInput
 Text input UI item. More...
class  UITexture
 Draw a texture. More...
class  UITexturedItem
 Textured UIDrawableItem. More...
class  UIVideo
 Display a video. More...

Detailed Description

2DLayers Classes