| WindowJavascript (const kstl::string &name, DECLARE_CLASS_NAME_TREE_ARG) |
| constructor
void | Show () override |
| show method, display the window More...
void | Update (const Timer &timer, void *) override |
| update method, call rendering screen update and manage messages More...
void | ShowMouse (bool bOn) override |
| show or hide system mouse
void | GetMousePosInWindow (int posx, int posy, kfloat &wposx, kfloat &wposy) override |
| callback called when window is resized More...
| Window (const kstl::string &name, DECLARE_CLASS_NAME_TREE_ARG) |
| constructor More...
RenderingScreen * | GetRenderingScreen () |
| return the rendering screen associated with this window
void | SetKeyDownCallback (KeyDownCallbackFn Callback) |
| Set the callback which is called when the user types the given character.
void | SetKeyUpCallback (KeyDownCallbackFn Callback) |
| Set the callback which is called when the user types the given character (key up)
void | SetDestroyCallback (DestroyCallbackFn Callback) |
| Set the callback which is called when the window is destroyed.
void | SetClickCallback (ClickMessageCallbackFn Callback) |
| Set the callback when clicking in the window (X,Y) range in pixels (from left to right, bottom to up)
void | SetDoubleClickCallback (ClickMessageCallbackFn Callback) |
| Set the callback when double clicking in the window (X,Y) range in pixels (from left to right, bottom to up)
bool | addItem (const CMSP &item, ItemPosition pos=Last DECLARE_DEFAULT_LINK_NAME) override |
| add item. Manage rendering screen More...
bool | removeItem (const CMSP &item DECLARE_DEFAULT_LINK_NAME) override |
| remove item. Manage rendering screen More...
void * | GetHandle () |
| return the window handle
void | Init () |
| Modifiable managmenent.
void | EmptyItemList () |
| remove all items (sons)
CMSP | GetInstanceByPath (const std::string &path) |
| return the instance corresponding to the given path in sons tree
std::string | GetRuntimeID () const |
| ID.
CoreModifiableAttribute * | getAttribute (KigsID labelid) const |
| Attribute management.
u32 | getNbArrayElements (KigsID attributeLabel) const |
| return element count for an array type attribute
template<typename attribute_type , typename value_type > |
attribute_type * | AddDynamicAttribute (KigsID ID, const value_type &value) |
| Dynamic attribute management.
const kigs::unordered_map< KigsID, ModifiableMethodStruct > * | GetMethods () |
| Method management.
bool | aggregateWith (CMSP &item, ItemPosition pos=Last) |
| Aggregate management.
void | flagAsNotificationCenterRegistered () |
| Flags.
void | InitParametersFromList (const std::vector< CoreModifiableAttribute * > *params) |
| Utility. More...
virtual void | UninitModifiable () |
| called when InitModifiable has failled : reset read/write flag on all init params More...
virtual void | ProtectedDestroy () |
| Destroy method decrement refcounter and delete instance if no more used. More...
virtual void | addUser (CoreModifiable *user) |
| add the given parent to list
virtual void | removeUser (CoreModifiable *user) |
| remove user (parent)
virtual bool | removeItem (const CMSP &item) |
| remove item (son)
typedef void(* | ClickMessageCallbackFn) (CoreModifiable *pWindow, int buttonId, kfloat X, kfloat Y, bool isDown) |
| Typedefs for callbacks for the window events. They are not used by other projects at the moment.
typedef void(* | KeyDownCallbackFn) (Window *pWindow, char C, int VirtualKeyCode) |
| Typedefs for callbacks for the window events. They are not used by other projects at the moment.
typedef void(* | DestroyCallbackFn) (CoreModifiable *pWindow) |
| Typedefs for callbacks for the window events. They are not used by other projects at the moment.
static std::vector< CMSP > | GetRootInstances (const KigsID &cid, bool exactTypeOnly=false) |
| static method : return the set of all root instances of the given type
static void | Append (std::string &XMLString, const std::list< CoreModifiable * > &toexport, bool recursive, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr) |
| static method to export the several CoreModifiable to an XML file. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static void | Export (const std::string &filename, CoreModifiable *toexport, bool recursive=false, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr) |
| static method to export the given CoreModifiable to an XML file. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static XMLNode * | ExportToXMLNode (CoreModifiable *toexport, XML *owner_xml_file, bool recursive, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr) |
| static method to export the given CoreModifiable to an XML Node. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static std::string | ExportToXMLString (CoreModifiable *toexport, bool recursive, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr) |
| static method to export the given CoreModifiable to an XML file. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static void | Export (std::string &XMLString, const std::list< CoreModifiable * > &toexport, bool recursive, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr) |
| static method to export the several CoreModifiable to an XML file. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static CMSP | Import (const std::string &filename, bool noInit=false, bool keepImportFileName=false, ImportState *state=nullptr, const std::string &override_name="") |
| return an new CoreModifiable instance using the description found in XML file given by name
static CMSP | GetInstanceByGlobalPath (const std::string &path) |
| static method : return the instance corresponding to the given path, and given search start
static void | debugPrintfFullTree (int maxindent=3) |
| Editor. More...
template<typename StringType > |
static CMSP | Import (XMLNodeTemplate< StringType > *currentNode, CoreModifiable *currentModifiable, ImportState &importState) |
| recusrive method to add sons and attributes found in the XML file
maBool | mFullScreen |
| parameter for fullscreen window
maBool | mShowMouseCursor |
| flag to show/hide the mouse
maBool | mIsMainWindow |
| flag to decide if the window is the main window. If you close the main window, the application should be terminated
maInt | mPositionX |
| window size and position on screen (size is also used if fullscreen)
void * | mHandle |
| platform independant handle
RenderingScreen * | mScreen |
| windows rendering screen
ClickMessageCallbackFn | mClickCallback |
| mouse callbacks
KeyDownCallbackFn | mKeyDownCallback |
| key callback
DestroyCallbackFn | mDestroyCallback |
| destroy callback