Kigs Framework
Doc version 0.8
Open source multi purpose Rapid Application Development framework
This is the complete list of members for KigsCore, including all inherited members.
AddError(const char *, long, const kstl::string &, int errorLevel=0) | KigsCore | static |
AddMessage(const kstl::string &) | KigsCore | static |
AddWarning(const char *, long, const kstl::string &, int warningLevel=0) | KigsCore | static |
CleanSingletonMap() | KigsCore | |
Close(bool closeMemoryManager=true) | KigsCore | static |
CloseMultiThread() | KigsCore | protectedstatic |
DumpMessageBuffer() | KigsCore | static |
GetCoreApplication() | KigsCore | static |
GetDefaultCoreItemOperatorConstructMap() | KigsCore | |
GetErrorBuffer() | KigsCore | static |
GetInstanceFactory() | KigsCore | |
GetInstanceOf(const kstl::string &instancename, const KigsID &classname, Args &&... args) | KigsCore | inlinestatic |
GetInstanceOf(const kstl::string &instancename, const KigsID &classname) | KigsCore | inline |
GetMemoryManager() | KigsCore | |
GetModule(const KigsID &classname) | KigsCore | static |
GetNotificationCenter() | KigsCore | static |
GetProfileManager() | KigsCore | static |
getReferenceMap() | KigsCore | inlinestatic |
GetRootNode() | KigsCore | static |
GetSemaphore() | KigsCore | |
GetSingleton(const KigsID &classname) | KigsCore | static |
GetThreadProfiler() | KigsCore | inlinestatic |
GetUpgradorFactory() const | KigsCore | inline |
Init() | KigsCore | static |
Instance() | KigsCore | static |
IsInit() | KigsCore | static |
IsMultiThread() | KigsCore | static |
KigsCore() | KigsCore | inlineprotected |
KigsMsgPrintf | KigsCore | protected |
LoadKigsModule(const std::string &Module_Type_Name, const kstl::vector< CoreModifiableAttribute * > *params=0) | KigsCore | inlinestatic |
ManagePostDestruction() | KigsCore | protected |
mCoreInstance | KigsCore | protectedstatic |
mErrorList | KigsCore | protected |
mInstanceFactory | KigsCore | protected |
mMemoryInstance | KigsCore | protected |
mModuleBaseInstanceMap | KigsCore | protected |
mMultiThread | KigsCore | protected |
ModuleInit(KigsCore *core, ModuleBase *module) | KigsCore | static |
ModuleStaticInit(KigsCore *core) | KigsCore | static |
mPostDestructionListMutex | KigsCore | protected |
mProfilerManager | KigsCore | protected |
mReferenceMap | KigsCore | protected |
mRootNode | KigsCore | protected |
mSemaphore | KigsCore | protected |
mSingletonMap | KigsCore | protected |
ParseXml(const kstl::string &filename, CoreModifiable *delegateObject, const char *force_as_format=0) | KigsCore | static |
ProtectedAddError(const kstl::string &Error) | KigsCore | protected |
ProtectedDumpMessageBuffer() | KigsCore | protected |
ReleaseSemaphore() | KigsCore | |
ReleaseSingleton(KigsID classname) | KigsCore | static |
SetCoreApplication(CoreBaseApplication *_instance) | KigsCore | protectedstatic |
SetMessagePrintf(int(*)(const char *format...)) | KigsCore | static |
SetMessagePrintf(void *func) | KigsCore | inlinestatic |
SetMultiThread() | KigsCore | protectedstatic |
SetNotificationCenter(NotificationCenter *_instance) | KigsCore | protectedstatic |
~KigsCore() | KigsCore | inlineprotected |