bool | SetActive (TravState *state) |
| return true if camera was activated else do not render camera More...
void | Release (TravState *state) |
| release the camera
void | SetViewport (kfloat vpminx, kfloat vpminy, kfloat vpsx, kfloat vpsy) |
| set the viewport More...
void | SetPosition (kfloat x, kfloat y, kfloat z) |
| set the position of the camera More...
void | GetPosition (kfloat &x, kfloat &y, kfloat &z) |
| get the position of the camera More...
void | SetViewVector (kfloat x, kfloat y, kfloat z) |
| set the view factor More...
void | GetViewVector (kfloat &x, kfloat &y, kfloat &z) |
| get the view factor More...
void | SetUpVector (kfloat x, kfloat y, kfloat z) |
| set the position of the up vector More...
void | GetUpVector (kfloat &x, kfloat &y, kfloat &z) |
| get the up vector More...
void | GetNodeBoundingBox (Point3D &pmin, Point3D &pmax) const override |
| special case for camera has we want it to be init even if have no bounding box
void | SetNearAndFar (kfloat znear, kfloat zfar) |
| set the zNear and zFar values More...
void | SetClearColor (kfloat r, kfloat g, kfloat b, kfloat a=1.0f) |
| set the clear color More...
bool | IsActive () |
| check if the camera is active More...
bool | AllVisible () |
| check if the camera is in All Visible mode More...
virtual void | InitCullingObject (CullingObject *obj) |
| initialize the culling on an object More...
virtual void | getRay (const kfloat &ScreenX, const kfloat &ScreenY, Point3D &RayOrigin, Vector3D &RayDirection) |
| get the ray from a pixel More...
virtual bool | Project (kfloat &, kfloat &, Point3D) |
| project given point 3D using camera projection
RenderingScreen * | getRenderingScreen () |
| link to the rendering screen
| DECLARE_DECORABLE_2_PARAMS (bool, Cull, Node3D, TravState *, unsigned int) |
virtual void | TravDraw (TravState *state) |
virtual void | TravCull (TravState *state) |
bool | addItem (const CMSP &item, ItemPosition pos=Last DECLARE_DEFAULT_LINK_NAME) override |
| add item at first or last position
bool | removeItem (const CMSP &item DECLARE_DEFAULT_LINK_NAME) override |
void | localMove (const v3f &move) |
| move local node position ( pos = move + pos )
void | globalMove (const v3f &move) |
| move global node position ( gpos = gmove + gpos )
bool | addItem (const CMSP &item, ItemPosition pos=Last DECLARE_DEFAULT_LINK_NAME) override |
| add item at first or last position
void | Init () |
| Modifiable managmenent.
void | EmptyItemList () |
| remove all items (sons)
CMSP | GetInstanceByPath (const std::string &path) |
| return the instance corresponding to the given path in sons tree
std::string | GetRuntimeID () const |
| ID.
CoreModifiableAttribute * | getAttribute (KigsID labelid) const |
| Attribute management.
u32 | getNbArrayElements (KigsID attributeLabel) const |
| return element count for an array type attribute
template<typename attribute_type , typename value_type > |
attribute_type * | AddDynamicAttribute (KigsID ID, const value_type &value) |
| Dynamic attribute management.
const kigs::unordered_map< KigsID, ModifiableMethodStruct > * | GetMethods () |
| Method management.
bool | aggregateWith (CMSP &item, ItemPosition pos=Last) |
| Aggregate management.
void | flagAsNotificationCenterRegistered () |
| Flags.
void | InitParametersFromList (const std::vector< CoreModifiableAttribute * > *params) |
| Utility. More...
virtual bool | removeItem (const CMSP &item) |
| remove item (son)
static std::vector< CMSP > | GetRootInstances (const KigsID &cid, bool exactTypeOnly=false) |
| static method : return the set of all root instances of the given type
static void | Append (std::string &XMLString, const std::list< CoreModifiable * > &toexport, bool recursive, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr) |
| static method to export the several CoreModifiable to an XML file. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static void | Export (const std::string &filename, CoreModifiable *toexport, bool recursive=false, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr) |
| static method to export the given CoreModifiable to an XML file. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static XMLNode * | ExportToXMLNode (CoreModifiable *toexport, XML *owner_xml_file, bool recursive, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr) |
| static method to export the given CoreModifiable to an XML Node. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static std::string | ExportToXMLString (CoreModifiable *toexport, bool recursive, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr) |
| static method to export the given CoreModifiable to an XML file. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static void | Export (std::string &XMLString, const std::list< CoreModifiable * > &toexport, bool recursive, ExportSettings *settings=nullptr) |
| static method to export the several CoreModifiable to an XML file. if recursive flag is set to true, export also all sons tree More...
static CMSP | Import (const std::string &filename, bool noInit=false, bool keepImportFileName=false, ImportState *state=nullptr, const std::string &override_name="") |
| return an new CoreModifiable instance using the description found in XML file given by name
static CMSP | GetInstanceByGlobalPath (const std::string &path) |
| static method : return the instance corresponding to the given path, and given search start
static void | debugPrintfFullTree (int maxindent=3) |
| Editor. More...
template<typename StringType > |
static CMSP | Import (XMLNodeTemplate< StringType > *currentNode, CoreModifiable *currentModifiable, ImportState &importState) |
| recusrive method to add sons and attributes found in the XML file
maFloat | mViewportMinX |
| coordinate on x axis of the min point of the viewport
maFloat | mViewportMinY |
| coordinate on y axis of the min point of the viewport
maFloat | mViewportSizeX |
| width of the viewport
maFloat | mViewportSizeY |
| height of the viewport
maFloat | mNearPlane |
| zNear value
maFloat | mFarPlane |
| zFar value
maVect3DF | mPosition |
| position of the camera
maVect3DF | mUpVector |
| up vector of the camera
maVect3DF | mViewVector |
| direction of the camera
maVect4DF | mClearColor |
| clear color of the camera
maReference | mRenderingScreen |
| reference on the rendering screen
maFloat | mVerticalFOV |
| vertical FOV of the camera
maFloat | mAspectRatio |
| aspect ration of the camera
maBool | mClearZBuffer |
| should clear zBuffer
maBool | mClearColorBuffer |
| should clear color buffer
maBool | mClearStencilBuffer |
| should clear stencil buffer
maBool | mCameraIsEnabled |
| Disable or Enable camera.
maUInt | mPriority |
| Camera priority.
maFloat | mBrightness |
| Camera brightness, change rendering screen brightness.
maBool | mAllVisible |
| Camera all visible(no cull)
bool | mIsActive |
| TRUE when the camera is active.
unsigned int | mIsVisible |
| valid after scene TravCull : mIsVisible store current frame index if object is visible
unsigned short | mFirstVisibleNodeIndex |
| first visible Node in ModuleSceneGraph::mVisiblesNodeList
unsigned short | mVisibleNodeCount |
| number of visible node
Matrix3x4 | mTransform |
| Local transformation matrix (father => this local coordinate system)
Matrix3x4 | mLocalToGlobal |
| Local to global transformation matrix (Local coordinate system => global "world" coordinate system)
Matrix3x4 | mGlobalToLocal |
| Global to local transformation matrix (Global "world" coordinate system => local coordinate system)
BBox | mLocalBBox |
| AABounding box in local coordinate system.
BBox | mBBox |
| AABounding box in father coordinate system.
BBox | mGlobalBBox |
| AABounding box in global "world" coordinate system.
DX11 implementation of Camera.