Kigs Framework
Doc version 0.8
Open source multi purpose Rapid Application Development framework
CAABBTree | Root ABBTreeNode + all buffers to manage collisions |
CAABBTreeNode | Node structure in a Axis Aligned Bounding box tree, used to optimise intersection calculation |
CABaseSystem | |
CABoneChannel | |
CABoneSystem | |
CAbstract2DLayer | Base class for 2D Layers |
CAccelerometerAndroid | Android Accelerometer management |
CAccelerometerDevice | Base class for accelerometer |
CAChannel | |
CAControledRotationStream | |
CActionTimeOperator | Return current context time if available |
►CAGroupIndexList | |
CAIndexInterval | |
CALinearInterp | |
CALinks | |
CAlphaMask | Picture mask for touch management |
CAndroidAudioBuffer | Manage an audio buffer for Android |
CAndroidAudioListener | Manage an audio listener for Android |
CAndroidAudioListenerActivator | Same as AudioListenerActivator but doesn't compute velocity (for performance purposes) |
CAndroidAudioSource | Manage an audio source for Nitro |
CAndroidGraphicBufferBase | |
CAnimationResourceInfo | |
CAnonymousModule | Base class for anonymous module |
CAObject | |
CAObjectSkeletonResource | |
CAPI3DCutShader | DX11 Cut Shader |
CAPI3DDeferredFilter | GLSL deferred shader implementation |
CAPI3DGenericMeshShader | DX11 Generic Mesh Shader |
CAPI3DLight | DX11 Light |
CAPI3DShader | DX11 Shader |
CAPI3DSkinShader | Specialized GLSL Shader for skinned mesh |
CAPI3DUIShader | DX11 UI Shader |
CAPI3DUniformBase | Base class for uniform, DX11 API |
CAPI3DUniformBuffer | Manage an data buffer as sharder uniform |
CAPI3DUniformDataTexture | Data texture (dynamic) passed as a uniform |
CAPI3DUniformFloat | One float uniform |
CAPI3DUniformFloat2 | Two float uniform |
CAPI3DUniformFloat3 | Three float uniform |
CAPI3DUniformFloat4 | Four float uniform |
CAPI3DUniformGeneratedTexture | Generated Noise Data texture passed as a uniform |
CAPI3DUniformInt | One int uniform |
CAPI3DUniformMatrixArray | Manage an array of matrix as sharder uniform |
CAPI3DUniformTexture | Texture passed as a uniform |
CAPRSBezierKeyStream | |
CAPRSControlStream | |
CAPRSKeyStream | |
CAPRSStream | |
CAResourceFileHeader | |
CAsciiParserUtilsTemplate | Utility class to parse ascii buffer |
CASEMeshLoader | Load mesh in ASE format |
CAStream | |
CAStreamResourceInfo | |
CAsyncRequest | Manage asynchronous request |
CAudioBuffer | |
CAudioListener | Audio listener holds parameters for computing heard sounds from audio sources |
CAudioListenerActivator | Audio listener activator is a drawable used to update and activate audio listener during predraw process, the activator is always attached under its listener |
CAudioSource | Audio source holds parameters for computing emitted sounds |
CAutoOrientedNode3DUp | Node3D updragor to auto orient node |
CBase2DLayer | Obsolete 2D Layer |
CBaseDDSequence | A data driven sequence |
CBaseUI2DLayer | UI rendering support |
CBCylinder | Bounding cylinder, for collision calculation purpose |
CBillboard3D | Billboard ( front facing camera texture ) object |
CBinMeshLoader | Import mesh from a binary file |
►CBinMeshLoaderBase | Utility class to load mesh files |
►CBMPClass | TinyImage specialized for BMP management |
CBox2DBindModule | Generic module for Box2D integration |
CBox2DBody | Wrap a box2D body (<=> rigid body) |
CBox2DShape | Wrap a box2D shape |
CBoxCollider | Box collision object |
CBSphere | Sphere structure used for collision calculation |
CBufferedFile | Buffered file class |
CBuildShaderStruct | Utility class to build shaders |
CBumperDDSequence | Splash screen |
CCamera | Abstract class, special Node3D to manage a camera ( viewpoint in the scene ) |
CCameraAndroid | |
CCameraModule | Generic Camera management module |
CCameraWindows | |
CCameraWUP | UWP specific webcamera management |
CCharToID | CharToID utility class, convert a string to an int ID |
CColladaParser | Class used to parse collada files (.dae) |
CCollision | Encapsulate useful collision calculation methods |
CCollisionBaseNode | Base class for collidable objects |
CCollisionBaseObject | Base class for collision object (sphere, box, mesh...) |
►CCollisionManager | Manager class to manage collision |
CCollisionModule | Generic Module collision / intersection management |
CCompassAndroid | Android compass management |
CCompassDevice | Base class for compass management |
CControlledTimer | |
CCoordinateSystemUp | Node3D updragor to have access to node translation / rotation utilities |
CCoreAction | Special CoreItem type used to animate attributes |
CCoreActionDirectKeyFrame | Direct access to animated value ( without setvalue ) |
CCoreActionFunction | Manage a CoreItemOperator kind of computation |
CCoreActionKeyFrame | Keyframe CoreAction |
CCoreActionKeyFrameBase | Base class for Keyframe CoreAction |
CCoreActionRawKeyFrame | Base class for CoreActionDirectKeyFrame |
CCoreActionWait | Do nothing CoreAction |
CCoreBaseApplication | Base class for applications |
CCoreDecorator | Base class for decorator class |
CCoreItemAnimationContext | Special evaluation context for animations |
CCoreMap | Map of RefCountedBaseClass, maintain ref count of instances in map |
►CCoreModifiable | Base class for Kigs framework objects. CoreModifiable class manage a list of attributes supporting reflexion and serialization. CoreModifiable also support reference counting, auto update, instance factory.. |
CCoreModifiableAttribute | Base class for all CoreModifiableAttribute . This class is just composed of virtual methods |
CCorePackage | Manage packages and files inside packages |
CCorePackageFileAccess | File access delegate for integration in Kigs generic file management |
CCoreSequenceLauncher | |
CCoreTreeNode | Manage all CoreModifiable classes and instances tree |
►CCullingObject | Base class for culling objects |
CDDSClass | TinyImage specialized for DDS management |
CDebugDraw | |
CDecoratedFuncBase1Param | Weird, do not use base class ?? |
CDecoratedFuncBase2Param | Weird, do not use base class ?? |
CDecoratedFuncBase3Param | Weird, do not use base class ?? |
CDeviceItemBaseState | Abstract base class for device item state |
CDictionaryFromJson | Construct CoreItem tree from a JSon buffer |
CDictionaryFromJsonUTF16 | Construct CoreItem tree from a JSon buffer in UTF16 |
CDirectRenderingMethods | Base class to draw specific objects directly (in the current rendering context) |
►CDisplayDeviceCaps | Specific Win32 GUI module |
CDisplayDeviceCapsAndroid | Specific DisplayDeviceCaps for Android platform |
CDisplayDeviceCapsJavascript | Javascript display device capacities |
CDisplayDeviceCapsWin32 | Specific Win32 DisplayDeviceCaps, used to get display device list and capacities |
CDistance | Encapsulate useful distance calculation methods |
CDoNothingObject | Object which do nothing |
CDrawable | Base class for all drawable objects |
CDrawableCallback | Post notification when in Predraw, Draw and Postdraw |
CDrawableSorter | Abstract base class for Drawable sorting |
CDrawableSorter_Camera | Sort drawables back to front |
CDrawableSorterItem | Utility structure to sort drawable |
CDrawableSwitch | Draw only one selected son |
CDrawVertice | Draw a dynamic mesh |
CDX11Camera | DX11 implementation of Camera |
CDX11CameraOrtho | DX11 implementation of orthographic camera |
CDX11Material | DX11 implementation of Material |
CDX11RenderingScreen | DX11 implementation of RenderingScreen |
CDX11Texture | DX11 implementation of Texture |
CETCClass | TinyImage specialized for ETC management |
CFilePathManager | |
CFixedImageBufferStream | Utility class to use a fixed image as a buffer stream |
CFog | Add fog to the scene |
CFontMapManager | Manage font textures |
CFrameBufferStream | Manage an array of buffers to receive video stream |
CFreeType_TextDrawer | Draw freetype texts in texture buffers |
CGenericAnimationModule | |
CGenericCamera | Base class to manage webcamera / video capture devices |
CGenericRefCountedBaseClass | Base class for refcounting classes, no other dependencies |
CGenericShrinker | Reduce frame buffer resolution |
CGeolocationAndroid | Android GPS management |
CGeolocationDevice | |
CGeolocationDX | Specific DirectX geolocation device |
CGetRefTag | |
CGIFClass | TinyImage specialized for PNG management |
CGPSTrigger | Used to go back of a sequence if user go to far from the interest point |
CGyroscopeAndroid | Android Gyroscope management |
CGyroscopeDevice | |
CHDrawable | Drawable with a different hierarchy drawing policy |
CHolo3DPanel | Draw a textured quad or circular panel |
CHTTPAsyncRequest | Manage Async HTTP Request |
CHTTPAsyncRequestAndroid | |
CHTTPAsyncRequestIOS | |
CHTTPAsyncRequestJS | |
CHTTPAsyncRequestWindows | |
CHTTPAsyncRequestWUP | UWP specific HTTP Request |
CHTTPConnect | Connect to an http serveur |
CHTTPConnectAndroid | |
CHTTPConnectIOS | |
CHTTPConnectJS | |
CHTTPConnectWindows | |
CHTTPConnectWUP | UWP specific HTTP Connect class |
CHTTPRequestJS | |
CHTTPRequestModule | Generic Module for HTTP Request classes |
CHTTPRequestModuleAndroid | |
CHTTPRequestModuleIOS | |
CHTTPRequestModuleJS | |
CHTTPRequestModuleWindows | |
CHTTPRequestModuleWUP | UWP specific HTTP Request module |
CImGuiLayer | Specialized 2D layer for ImGui display |
►CInstanceFactory | Register and instanciate classes |
CIPlane | Plane structure for collision calculations |
CJoystickAndroid | Android Joystick management |
CJoystickDX | Specific DirectX joystick device |
CJoystickIPhone | |
CJPEGClass | TinyImage specialized for JPEG management |
CJSonFileParserBase | Base class for JSon parser |
CKeyboardAndroid | Android keyboard management |
CKeyboardDevice | |
CKeyboardDX | Specific DirectX keyboard device |
CKeyTime | |
CKeyToAsciiDX | Specific DirectX KeyToAscii utility class |
CKigsBitmap | Pixel buffer used as a Texture |
►CKigsCore | |
CLight | Base class, generic light object |
CLocalizationManager | |
CLuaBehaviour | |
CLuaImporter | |
CLuaKigsBindModule | Generic module for LUA integration |
CLuaNotificationHook | |
CmaArrayBase | CoreModifiableAttributeData for array |
CmaArrayHeritage | CoreModifiableAttributeData for array with different level of notification |
CmaBoolHeritage | CoreModifiableAttributeData for bool with different level of notification |
CmaBuffer | CoreModifiable managing a CoreRawBuffer |
CmaBufferHeritage | CoreModifiableAttributeData of reference with different notification level |
CmaComputedNumericHeritage | Numeric calling onwer get / set method to compute value |
CmaEnumBase | CoreModifiableAttributeData for an enum |
CmaEnumHeritage | CoreModifiableAttributeData for an enum with different level of notification |
CmaNumericHeritage | CoreModifiableAttributeData for numeric without different level of notification |
CmaReference | CoreModifiableAttribute managing a reference |
CmaReferenceHeritage | CoreModifiableAttributeData for reference on CoreModifiable |
CmaStringHeritage | CoreModifiableAttributeData of string with different level of notification |
CMaterial | Base class, generic material object |
CMaterialStage | Base class for material stage |
CmaUSStringHeritage | CoreModifiableAttributeData of usstring with different level of notification |
CmaVector | CoreModifiableAttributeData for vector array with one dimension |
►CMesh | Old style Mesh |
CMeshItemGroup | Group used in old style Mesh |
CMinimalXML | Fast minimal XML parser |
CModernMesh | Optimized mesh class |
CModernMeshBuilder | Utility class to create a ModernMesh instance from triangle lists |
CModernMeshItemGroup | Group of triangles with the same characteristics |
CModule2DLayers | Generic Module for 2D drawing ( IHM, sprites...) |
CModuleCameraAndroid | |
CModuleCameraWindows | |
CModuleCameraWUP | Specific UWP camera module |
CModuleCoreAnimation | Manage animated values |
CModuleDDSequence | Manage Data Driven Sequences for Data Driven Application |
CModuleDescription | Read a module description in a XML file |
CModuleFileManager | Manage classes related to pathes and file reading / writing |
CModuleGUI | Generic Module for GUI classes ( Windows management ) |
CModuleGUIAndroid | Specific module for GUI classes ( Windows management ) |
CModuleGUIIPhone | |
CModuleGUIJavascript | Specific Emscripten GUI module |
CModuleGUIWindows | Specific Win32 UWP GUI module |
CModuleImGui | Generic Module for ImGUI integration classes |
CModuleInput | Generic module for input management |
CModuleInputAndroid | Specific module for android input management |
CModuleInputDX | Specific Input Module for DirectX API |
CModuleInputIPhone | |
CModuleRenderer | Generic rendering module |
CModuleSceneGraph | Manage all Scenes ( 3D and 2D ) |
CModuleSoundManager | Manage sound playing and sound object in the scene |
CModuleSoundManagerJS | |
CModuleSoundManagerOAL | |
CModuleSpecificRenderer | Abstract base class for specific renderers, so that they must overload some generic functionnality |
CModuleThread | Generic module for thread management |
CModuleTimer | Generic module for time management |
CMouseAndroid | Android mouse management (touch) |
CMouseDevice | mouse cursor current position on x axis |
CMouseDX | Specific DirectX Mouse device |
CMouseIPhone | |
CMouseVelocityComputer | Keep track of past mouse mouvement to compute a velocity |
CMPEG4BufferStream | Base class for MP4 video stream playing |
CMPEG4Encoder | Base class for MP4 video stream encoding |
CMultiMesh | |
CMultiTouchAndroid | Android multitouch management |
CMultiTouchIPhone | |
CMultiTouchPinch | Manage pinch with two touches |
CNode2D | A Node2D is the base class for all objects to be added to a 2DLayer |
CNode3D | Base class for 3D node in the scene graph ( with a 3x4 matrix ) |
CNode3DDelayed | A Node3D loading it's sons only when needed |
CNode3DLodDecorator | Decorate Cull method to accep LOD |
CNotificationCenter | Manage messages between CoreModifiable |
COctree | An octree subdivide it's bounding box in eight son to manage faster culling / sorting |
COctreeSubNode | Node in an octree |
COpenGLCamera | OpenGL implementation of Camera |
COpenGLCameraOrtho | OpenGL implementation of Orthographic Camera |
COpenGLHolo3DPanel | OpenGL implementation of Holo3DPanel |
COpenGLMaterial | OpenGL implementation of Material |
COpenGLRenderingMatrix | OpenGL implementation of RendererMatrix |
COpenGLRenderingScreen | OpenGL implementation of RendereingScreen |
COpenGLTexture | OpenGL implementation of Texture |
CPanel | Rectangular surface on a plane where collision is detected |
CPassiveColoredMask | Obsolete ? |
CPivotUp | Node3D updragor to manipulate node like an pivot ( angle+axis rotation ) |
CPixelBuffer | Shared interface between all pixel buffer types (allows for generic PixelBuffer pointers) |
CPlane | Plane structure for collision purpose |
CPlatformBaseApplication | This class must not be virtual because there's a double inheritance |
CPNGClass | TinyImage specialized for PNG management |
CPointInteretVignette | An PointInteretVignette is a pop-up created from a model, who give a description of a point of interest |
CPositionKey | |
CPRSControllerKey | |
CPRSInfo | |
CPRSKey | |
CRendererDX11 | DX11 implementation of ModuleSpecificRenderer |
CRendererMatrix | Rendering matrix |
CRendererOpenGL | OpenGL implementation of ModuleSpecificRenderer |
CRendererProfileDrawingObject | Draw profilers |
CRenderingCustomizer | Change some rendering states during draw |
CRenderingScreen | Generic "draw surface" |
CRenderingState | Keep current global rendering state |
CResourceDownloader | Download file from given URL |
CRessourceFileManager | |
CRotationKey | |
CScaleKey | |
CScene3D | Root Node3D for a scene |
CScene3DPriorityCompare | Struct to sort scenes |
CSceneNode | Abstract base class for objects in the scene ( Node3D, Drawables...) |
CSemaphore | Thread management |
CShaderBase | Base virtual class for shaders |
CShaderInfo | Utility class to register shaders |
CShrinkerWindows | |
CShrinkerWUP | Specific UWP framebuffer shrinker |
CSimpleDrawing | Draw simple objects.. |
CSkyBox | Draw a skybox with a cube texture |
CSoundManagerAndroid | Manage sound playing for android |
CSpacialMeshBVH | Bounding volume hierarchy structure |
CSpacialMeshBVHNode | Bounding volume hierarchy node structure |
CSplitDataStructBase | Structure used to pass data to splittable task |
CSplittableTask | Abstract class to manage splittable tasks |
CSprite | Draw a sprite in the 3D scene |
CStencilMask | Manage stencil buffer mask |
CStepByStepImporter | Import an xml and create the corresponding CoreModifiable tree step by step |
CSTLMeshLoader | Load an STL file and return an old |
CTangentSpaceLOD | Decide to draw or not children according to tangent space |
CTexture | Manage a texture |
CTextureFileManager | Manage texture to avoid redundant instances |
CTextureHandler | Handle texture drawing. A TextureHandler is used to manipulate a texture or animated texture or sprite in a texture the same way |
CTextureMatrix | Texture coordinate ( U V W ) transform matrix |
►CTGAClass | TinyImage specialized for TGA management |
CThread | Manage a thread |
CThreadEvent | Thread synchronisation object Event |
CThreadPoolManager | Manage a pool of WorkerThreads |
CThreadProfiler | Helper class to profile threads |
CTimer | |
CTinyImage | Base class for picture file loading |
CTinyImageLoaderContext | Support conversion depending on the context ( ie used to import in supported texture format for given platform ) |
CTinyImageUtils | Image manipulation tools |
CTouchableCoordinateSystem | A TouchableCoordinateSystem is defined by a rotation, a translation and a scale in 3D space. Finger make him rotate |
CTouchInputEventManager | |
►CTravPath | Class used to store pathes in the scenegraph and draw sorted objects following the right path |
CTravState | Base class used to store current scene traversal state |
CUI3DLinkedItem | Adjust position of the UIItem to match a 3D position in a Scene3D |
CUIBoxLayout | Adjust the position of all children according to the box layout |
CUIButton | Simple Button class |
CUIButtonImage | Button with three textures ( Up, Down , Over ) |
CUIButtonText | Three state button with different texts |
CUIControlBoxForScrollViewUI | ??? |
CUICursor | ??? |
CUICustomDraw | Draw non UI objects |
CUICustomInputItem | ??? |
CUIDrawableItem | UIItem to be drawn |
CUIDynamicText | Manage UI Texts with light html like tags |
CUIFlowLayout | Adjust the position of all children according to a flow layout algorithm |
CUIGridLayout | Adjust the position of all children according to a grid layout algorithm |
CUIGroupButton | Manage buttons in a group |
CUIImage | Just display an image ( texture ) with different modes |
CUIImageHighlight | ??? |
CUIItem | Parent class for all UI types ( buttons, texts...) |
CUILayout | Adjust the position of all children according to a layout algorithm |
CUIMap | An UIMap is a class for add a map |
CUINode3DLayer | |
CUIPointInteret | An UIPointInteret is placed on the map to mark an point of interest |
CUIPopUp | This is the upgrador class for a pop-up |
CUIRatioKeeper | Create a zone in screen where design size ratio is kept |
CUIRenderingScreen | A Textured UI where the texture display a Rendering Screen |
CUIRoundHUD | Display a circular menu |
CUIScrollable | Base class for scrollable UI |
CUIScrollingMultilineText | ?? Obsolete ?? |
CUIScrollingText | ?? Obsolete ?? |
CUIScrollView | ?? Obsolete ?? |
CUIShapeDelegate | Draw parent ui as a shape |
CUIShapeDisc | Draw parent ui as a disc |
CUIShapeRectangle | Draw parent ui as quad |
CUISlider | Manage a slider |
CUISliderFill | TODO. Manage a slider |
CUISlidersGroup | TODO. Manage a slider |
CUISprite | Manage sprite. Obsolete ? |
CUIStream | Display a video |
CUIText | Display a text |
CUITextArea | Text input UI item |
CUITextInput | Text input UI item |
CUITexture | Draw a texture |
CUITexturedItem | Textured UIDrawableItem |
CUIVideo | Display a video |
CUniformList | Manage shader uniforms |
CUserPositionGPS | An UserPositionGPS is the class for placed the user on a map |
CValidCharArray | Utility class used by AsciiParserUtils |
CVertexBufferManager | Manage vertex buffer for DX11 API |
CVertexBufferManagerBase | Virtual base class for Vertex buffer manager |
CWindow | Base class for Window (rendering window) |
CWindowAndroid | Specific Window class for Android platform |
CWindowClick | Manage mouse click for a given window |
CWindowIPhone | |
CWindowJavascript | Javascript Window class |
CWindowWin32 | Specific Win32 Window |
CWorkerThread | Thread managed by a pool manager, waiting for tasks |
CXMLAttributeTemplate | Manage XML attributes structure using string or string_view |
CXMLBase | Base class for XML template structure |
CXMLModule | Generic module for XML management |
CXMLNodeBase | Base class for templated XML Node class |
CXMLNodeTemplate | Manage XML node structure using string or string_view |
►CXMLReaderFile | Read an XML file into an XML structure |
CXMLTemplate | Manage XML structure using string or string_view |
CXMLWriterFile | Write an XML file from an XML structure |